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Google Earth

Lots of flying these days, in Google Earth. It was an easy prediction: since Google announced that the greater part of Holland is covered in high resolution now, alarming stories appeared in the traditional media, and also in the newspaper were I am working. The silly season barely gone, and politicians too busy with the November election as well as the wake of the fire in the detention centre at Schiphol airport, that killed eleven people, no new questions asked in parliament yet, but they will come, later. By the way: if you have problems with installing Google Earth, for… >> Lees verder . . . >>

Here we go: Writely

 Another step into complete networking. This one is my first post written and published in Writely, the web based text editor from Google. My first looks are very promising; it looks exactly what I’ve been waiting for. As I am constantly changing, working either in OS X on my iMac back home, or in XP on the corporate Dell Optiplex, I was constantly switching, not only between systems and machines, but also between applications. In Dutch at @ DutchCowboys Sometime I used even Word on the Mac, as Word is the de facto standard in my working world, where the… >> Lees verder . . . >>

Clearing and cleaning

Our living room, after moving back to our little old house, is corresponding with my digital household: everything is for the time being. While in our real world water, gas and electricity are up and running, it’s the same story in my little virtual planet. The iMac, the ISDN/ADSL, sound, everything is running like a greased lightning, but sooner or later a lot of things have to be taken care off. While our new couch has been delivered in parts and has to be constructed according to the Ikea rules and drawings, a door has to be hung, a shed… >> Lees verder . . . >>

New Numa – The Return of Gary Brolsma

Gary Brolsma, the Numa Numa Guy, is back in his return video: New Numa! With the video comes a $45,000 worldwide New Numa contest where you can make your own New Numa video for a chance at the Grand Prize of $25,000 cash and a whole lot of internet fame. Go to to enter the contest, chat with Gary, check out the New Numa music and new music by Dan Balan (the producer/songwriter of Dragostea din Tei, the original numa numa!) Most importantly: Don’t forget to laugh and have fun.

Moving ADSL

So we’re back. Moving an household with a lot of help from some good friends is one thing, unpacking the boxes, deciding what to dump where, cleaning up, finishing a lot of small and bigger things is gonna take some more time. In between packing, moving and unpacking I couldn’t resist the temptation to knot some wires together. Curiosity may have killed some cats, but I wanted to know if KPN and Euronet had succeeded this time in quietly moving the ISDN/ADSL combo without too much hassle. In Dutch at @ DutchCowboys When we moved into our temporary living at… >> Lees verder . . . >>

Radio rediscovered

I’ve rediscovered Internet radio. At the beginning of the nineties one of the first things I started playing with when Internet began to grow. It wasn’t really what it should be by then over a 24k4 modem, but it was fascinating to listen live to a major league baseball game, or to the Australian ABC. In Dutch at @ DutchCowboys Sometimes things went well in DOS, Windows 3.11, ’95, or one of the different tastes of Linux that I’d sometimes more or less successfully got running, but ever so often it didn’t work at all. Listening often meant waiting another… >> Lees verder . . . >>