There are many, many reasons why I love Australia and the Australians. Their very special kind of humor certainly is one. So shut up, and harden the fuck up, Holland
TwitterCowboy or Wachking?
My twittername is twittercowboy, signed up in an early twitter stage in 2006, when nobody at twitter thought about allowing the word ‘twitter’ as part of a twitter id. Not anymore, try for yourself in creating a new twitter account. I can understand why, and I like twitter for not sending me a note, terminating my account, forcing me to create a new one (and yes, cowboy and dutchcowboy are taken). So far, so good, but when I tried to change my background to a nice and one instead of the default (lik I did here; on our newspaper website… >> Lees verder . . . >>
Dear Leon Krijnen, FCD
Welcome to the Friends of Charles Darwin. You are added to the membership list. For the latest updates, please keep an eye on our weblog: RSS feed: While you’re still in a Darwinian mood, you might like to pop over to the Beagle Project website and learn about their plans to build a replica of HMS Beagle and recreate her 1831-36 voyage with international crews of aspiring young scientists. You could even consider making a small (or large) donation, or buying some inspirational merchandise from their online shop: Website: Shop (UK, Europe, Japan): Shop (USA and… >> Lees verder . . . >>
San Francisco gegijzeld
Mooi verhaal op de Wired blog van vandaag: San Francisco gegijzeld door ex-ambtenaar. Blijkt dat het complete netwerk van de stad én de gemeente gegijzeld is door een netwerkbeheerder die eerst zichzelf als super-user van de complete rambam heeft benoemd, zowel de systemen als het complete glasvezelnetwerk. Daarna heeft-ie de permissies van alle anderen onderhanden genomen, met als gevolg dat bijvoorbeeld niet alleen de burgemeester en álle abmtenaren geen mail meer kunnen lezen, maar dat ook justitie én advocatuur niet meer bij hun bestanden kunnen. De man, ene Terry Childs, die wellicht nog een appeltje te schillen had met een… >> Lees verder . . . >>
When the Lady Smiles . . .
The Golden Earring, and When The Lady Smiles: still crazy after all those years. Live on stage at Pauw and Witteman, last tuesday, and still damn good too. I just wonder why those Americans still haven’t discovered the original 1984 clip. If they do, it will be the end as Hillary Clinton’s birthday song, I guess 🙂 Click: The original 1984 clip.: When The Lady Smiles Marc Parent: Hillary Clinton uses Golden Earring song in campaign: music video features a nun being raped and a dog eating a man’s brain. Golden Earring heralds Hillary Clinton
The New BBC Homepage (beta)
From Martin Belam on the BBC Internet Blog: Remembering myBBC The freshly redesigned BBC homepage comes complete with a swishy new interface that allows users to customise the way the page appears to them. It isn’t the first time the BBC has dabbled with personalising homepages. For some time now, users have been offered personalised weather on the BBC homepage, and BBC News has had a small panel for UK users allowing them to get their local stories straight away by entering their postcode. The BBC homepage also used to have “targeted” promotions in the early 2000s. As users visited… >> Lees verder . . . >>
Bye bye Corel
After having worked with all previous releases and versions of Paint Shop Pro on Windows for for at least 12 years in a row, I’m finally out of there. For those who don’t know yet: the only reason that I was using this program on that platform: the boss buys Windows. At home it’s Mac OSX, iPhoto and PhotoShop. Anyway, tried to work with Corel Photo XI for a month now, but I give up. The file browser is totally incomprehensible, compared to the simple and fast browser in versions 8 and 9. The program is a real memory hog,… >> Lees verder . . . >>
iPhone arrives in The Netherlands
My friend Ron owns one, so he can pass, but all iPhone junkies in The Netherlands, who can’t eat or sleep until november, go to The Hague and get a free shot of Apple juice. Director Titus Yocarini of The Museum for Communication has DHL’ed a real iPhone to Holland, which has, accordingly to Yocarini, become the first ever iPhone in a museum collection. You never know if sun and summer might make a mistake this weekend, but if they show up, and you go to the beach in Scheveningen, walk by the museum; they’ve got a paper iPhone for… >> Lees verder . . . >>
We all love lovely Kelly
For the last two years Kelly is our guest when her owners are enjoying their holiday. A cross between a Pekinese and a Boomer, Kelly is cute, Kelly is lovely. I love to walk Kelly, because all girls smile at me, but Kelly knows what she wants. And what she doesn’t like! I haven’t got a clue why yet, but Kelly hates my Canon Ixus. Check out the video, and please push your sound settings to the max. Enjoy!
Very interesting discussion on Wired, a multi media success in the US. Wired is a magazine, a website, a blog, Wired is paper, digital and mobile content, Wired is much more than is used to be, a magazine about computers,Internet, technology. For instance; an article about sex, Is ‘Internet Normal’ the New ‘Sex Normal’? A lot of my fellow countrymen over here in The Netherlands not only think, but they know for sure that most Americans are very puritanical people. Like our Christian Historic party, that’s against most forms of too visible parts, of too much body. Dutch people don’t… >> Lees verder . . . >>
Bit stupid
They’re the kind of discussions I always to steer away from at birthday parties or at the bar in the local pub: about the police or the lovely Rita’s (the meter maids). You know, people complaining about getting a ticket for a red light that was green, about parking tickets, whatever, and it’s never their own fault. Such a waste of time. I dislike them even more because ever so often I’m the only who says no nagging or whining please. Who says that the world would be a much better place it half the population obeyed some rules, while… >> Lees verder . . . >>
I can fly!
Piss off. We don’t need your hedge and the nest anymore, cause we can fly! Don’t you think that’s exactly what this young blackbird is trying to tell me? The four of them flew out this morning, and both parents were attacking my head when I shot this picture. I caught a glimpse of one of the others in the shed, ducking under some garbage, the remaining two should be around somewhere.Like last year, the crows and the magpies are searching the neighbourhood for fresh tucker, but as these youngsters are much bigger than the doomed nest from last year,… >> Lees verder . . . >>
Early spring
It looks like an early spring over here in Holland. It’s april 10 and those four young blackbirds in our back garden look like they’re ready to jump out of the nest any moment. The nest is build on exactly the same spot in the hedge, like each year since we’re living here, but I doubt the first nest of the season has been this early before. Last year was a bad one, as two out of five died in the first week, and the three survivors left the nest too early, only to fell prey to the magpies.
A change of climate?
I wonder if my biology teacher from the seventies is still alive. In his left hand holding ‘The Report To The Club Of Rome’, with his other hand slamming his desk, predicting that we would never see the daylight of January 1, 2000. Some ten years later we were daily showered with stories about acid rain en leafless woods, an now, in 2007, the climate is the hottest issue. It doesn’t make me warm or cold, but I wonder were Al Gore is lecturing these days. His own country is – even in California – struggling with the effects of… >> Lees verder . . . >>
Hoezo, geen verstand van voetbal?
Waar een mailtje met een opmerking over een foutje in de VPRO gids al niet toe kan leiden. En nooit meer zeggen dat ik geen verstand van voetbal heb, want ik wist het echt nog uit mijn hoofd. Ha!
Leo 50 (!) (leeftijd, niet slaggemiddelde :-)
Nu de rook om mijn hoofd weer een beetje verdwenen is, zijn de foto’s en de video van het mooie feest in Cafe D’n Inval in Raamsdonskveer naar het web verhuisd.Kijk, lees, luister, huiver en geniet: Leo 50! (zijn leeftijd, niet zijn slaggemiddelde)Allemaal bedankt voor het lachen en graag tot de volgende keer:Foto’s: Leo 50!
WiFi as The New Danger
A little more than a year ago, I wrote a column (‘Stralingsangst‘), for the newspaper I’m working at, about Fear of Elector Magnetic Fields. Publication resulted in a number of angry letters to the editor. Written by those readers who are very busy with all kinds of sickness and disease, te result of EMF caused by GSM, GPR and UMTS networks in The Netherlands. In Dutch at @ DutchCowboys In the discussion aftermath, I repeated a prediction I’d made earlier, when Google started to build its WiFi networks in Mountain View and San Francisco. My prevision was: ‘So far we… >> Lees verder . . . >>
iPod in Space
PHOTO NASA If you look carefully at the large version of this image you will see an iPod attached to a Belkin external battery pack on the equipment rack directly in front of European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Reiter. According to Sydney Morning Herald: the iPod doesn’t appear to be used as part of the experiment – it’s more likely that it’s used for recreational purposes. SMH: Also pictured near the iPod are two IBM laptops, a Sony television and numerous Nikon cameras. The iPod was first spotted by the website. The photo was posted on the NASA website… >> Lees verder . . . >>
@ The Market Place
During the renovation (initially a one year project, for a number of reasons finished in 3 years and 3 months), and after moving back into our little 1895 house we’ve become fanatic Marktplaatsers. Marktplaats means MarketPlace, it’s the original Dutch eBay, as a matter of fact taken over by eBay, but still running on the original platform, same layout, same name, even while eBay operates in Dutch at We found our moving boxes at Marktplaats, sixty good boxes for thirty Euros (‘only one time used’), en we’ve sold three quarters of them for the same amount after the removal,… >> Lees verder . . . >>
Phones for sale
I’m gonna say bye bye to my collection of old black phones. Until 1997, when ISDN arrived, followed by ADSL a few years later, five or six of them were still working in our little old house. A telecom guy who walked in once shook his head and said that it was impossible to hook more than two of them one standard line as they were dragging to much energy, but they were always working. But that was, and this is now: for sale, twenty different old black phones, most of them black bakelite, some white, a white Ericofoon. Desktop… >> Lees verder . . . >>