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Google Teacher Academy

Google again. Don’t say I’m bothering you and that I should start writing about something else, because you would miss things. A week or so ago another one of those surveys popped up. As well as over here (Holland) as over there (the US) they come and go several times each year, but this one was to betaken seriously, done by the Stanford School of Medicine.
This time one out of eight grown up Americans exhibited at least one possible sign of problematic Internet use. No idea if I would be part of the digital junkyard, but if so, it’s a reassuring idea that my addiction is covered by a salary.
I definitely am a bit addicted to Google. As a user, but even more as a watcher, a Google Watcher with a problem: it’s been all too much lately, almost impossible to keep up with the boys and girls at Mountain View are doing. I’m not the only one, even Sergey and Larry sometimes are out of breath because of the pace in which young and smart developers are screaming for attention and budget for new products.
Two weeks ago I wrote about business models that are floating on the web, model with which you van set up a profitable webtoko. But also as manager of a little shop or company you can save yourself a lot of money by means of Google products. By terminating your much too expansive Microsoft applications and licenses. To begin witch the Outlook and Exchange servers; Gmail isn’t only free, it works so much better and easier than Outlook/Exchange, and youcan keep using your own domain name and e-mail addresses.
You can share documents and spreadsheet by – well – Google Documents and Spreadsheets, and if you start using Maps for Mobiles, you don’t have to buy navigators for your drivers or yourself anymore.
Rent a smart kid who attacks the Google API, an does logistics by integration Documents, Spreadsheets and Maps.
While there are a lot of other Google gadgets that you can use one way or another, Google starts doing things for education. One of the new products is Sketchup, bye means of which you can designon line – what else, how else? – 3D models. It’s no a simple thing for beginners, so Google has launched yet another Google newbie: the Google Teacher Academy. Pfffff, what is next to come … ?

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